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Why we made this website

Many years ago, I bought my Mum and Dad a Weem's storm glass.  It was brass and shiny and pretty with all of its nautical-ness.  Over the years, cyclones, floods, winds and hail have all lashed down.  Every time I sense a swirling in the air, I ask my Mum, "what is the Storm Glass doing?".  She peers at it and tells me, "hmm....there is something building...a few spiky bits."  The description changes, and the weather comes.  The Storm Glass at my Mum and Dad's place has been pretty solid at letting us know that something is brewing in the heavens above.


Now that I am older, and a Mum myself, I thought it was about time that our house got its very own storm glass.


This page is dedicated to our new storm glass.  My son and I are going to get all scientific on it and let you look in on our real-time experiment: does the storm glass really predict the weather?


Keep checking in to find out!

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